
Production bases using cutting-edge technologies that guarantee food safety.

The Kawajima Production and Distribution Center minimizes human effort and energy consumption. It allows for speedy and accurate inspection, processing, and packaging of high-quality meat. The Kawajima Production and Distribution Center also serves as the food distribution base for stores across the country. The Mt. Fuji Factory, which handles preparation and processing of vegetables and pickles, uses spring water drawn from 250 meters underground on its production line, and brings freshness of raw materials and energy consumption to new levels. The Ranzan Factory, which handles preparation and processing of sauces like curry and dressing, as well as rice polishing, is fully equipped with a special production line just for polishing rice, befitting the large and flexible space. Moreover, each production base also has “metal detection devices,” “abnormal rice coloring detection devices,” and many other cutting-edge technologies to guarantee food safety.

Matsuya Foods Mt. Fuji Factory

Matsuya Foods Mt. Fuji Factory

Matsuya Foods Mt. Fuji Factory

The Mt. Fuji Factory is equipped with a vegetable processing line using natural spring water. We relentlessly maintain freshness and safety, with the latest filtration equipment.

Matsuya Foods Mt. Fuji Factory

A “Soft-boiled egg device” has been introduced at the Mt. Fuji Factory. With cutting-edge technology, we provide the best flavor and texture.

Kawajima Production and Distribution Center

Kawajima Production and Distribution Center

Kawajima Production and Distribution Center

Kawajima Production and Distribution Center Products shipped out from the factory are delivered to stores across the country speedily to maintain freshness and delicious flavor.

Kawajima Production and Distribution Center

Meat is transferred to each processing line after specialized staff carefully removes excess fat and muscle by hand.

Matsuya Foods Ranzan Factory

Matsuya Foods Ranzan Factory

Matsuya Foods Ranzan Factory

A device that can scan all rice has been introduced in the rice milling line. A highly sensitive CCD camera detects a different-color grain and instantly eliminates it with an airgun.

Matsuya Foods Ranzan Factory

As for ready-made frozen meal packs, the materials are processed, prepared, frozen, and packaged at the exclusive lines of the Ranzan Factory.

Each Factory

Each Factory

Multiple “metal detectors” have been installed at each factory. If any metal contamination is found, the relevant packages will be removed instantly.

Each Factory

A taste check including a concentration/ ingredient test is performed for curry menus and sauces to ensure thorough homogenization of taste and quality.